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Question: Where online can I purchase Sterling Silver Roses?

Question : Where online can I purchase Sterling Silver Roses?
I've checked all the major online flower shops to no avail: proflowers, 800flowers, ftd, conroys, etc. Does anyone know where I can purchase these beautiful roses?I actually meant cut roses to give to my wife (not rose bushes for garden). Thanks for all the responses, this is all great input.
- asked by kfm1976

All Answers:
Answer #1
Check eBay.com
- answered by peanut

Answer #2
I'm not sure about online, but a good local florist should be able to get them- my wedding florist got them no trouble, she said they were popular.
- answered by Megan S

Answer #3
If I were you i'd make a different choice. Sterling Sliver has a very low rating from the American Rose Society. (last time i checked it was rated at 4.2 out of a 0 to 10 rating system.) I had nothing but trouble with the one I received as a gift. As a rule most serious Rose growers won't touch a Rose lower then 8.0. Sterling Sliver is at half that rating. Several others that I know of also found it to be a waste of garden space when so many better Roses are out there. I assure you, you will be unhappy with this Rose in your garden.
- answered by GARDEN DOK. MG.

Answer #4
I bought this flower at Sears in their garden center. It was on clearance for $6.50 about a month ago since the season is about over. It was a Jackson & Perkins brand rose. The last time I was there, they still had some roses on clearance. Perhaps there will be some left in your area as well. Best of Luck!!! (I hope you meant for the garden).
- answered by Valkyrie

Answer #5
It sounds to me like you mean "cut roses" and not rose bushes? Am I correct? Strange as this may sound, some flower shop employees (depending on who you speak to) don't know they're rose varieties. The next time you ask for such roses (if you want cut ones) say, "Do you have any lavender roses in stock? The kind with the strong fragrance?" Then they will definitely know what you are talking about. I can't imagine a florist with a good reputation not being able to get a hold of these roses for you.Then again, the actual variety of fragrant, lavender roses florist now use might have changed.A potted Sterling Silver for your garden? More popular varieties have taken over the market. These include: Moon Madness, Purple Passion, Melody Parfumee, and Intrigue.As an aside, I believe one of the parents of Sterling Silver was the Peace Rose.Hope this helps you. Hope you can at least find a substitute for this very unusual and precious rose variety.
- answered by mordachi3

Answer #6
A Yahoo search for "sterling silver roses" (include the quotation marks in the search box) yields 19,400 results. If you do the same search, and are willing to spend a little time exploring, I'm sure that you will quickly find the information you seek. The first page of results has several sites where they can be ordered.Good luck with your search.
- answered by exbuilder